University of Georgia Student-Athlete Transfer-Related Appeals Procedures
These procedures are available to any student-athlete appealing a transfer-related decision. These procedures comply with hearing opportunity requirements established by NCAA guidelines and are included in the Student-Athlete Handbook distributed to all student-athletes.
A student-athlete’s appeal of a transfer-related decision will involve the following steps:
- An informal discussion between the student-athlete and the respective coach;
- A written request to the Athletic Director; and
- A written appeal to the President through the University of Georgia Student-Athlete Appeals Committee (“Appeals Committee”).
The student-athlete’s initial request must be submitted in writing to the Athletic Director. The Athletic Director will promptly render a decision, in writing, to the student-athlete no later than 7 business days following receipt of the written request.
Within 10 business days of the date of the Athletic Director’s decision, the student-athlete can appeal the decision, in writing, through the Appeals Committee to the President. The appeal must contain a copy of the written request that is the subject of the appeal, a copy of the Athletic Director’s decision, as well as any other documentation the student-athlete wishes to submit in support of the appeal. A student-athlete who wishes to address the Appeals Committee orally must make the request in the written appeal. The appeal should be emailed to [email protected] to the attention of the Student-Athlete Appeals Coordinator c/o General Counsel, University of Georgia Office of Legal Affairs.
The Athletic Department will promptly submit a response, which may also include a request to address the Appeals Committee orally. If the 10-day period expires without submission of a written appeal to the President, the decision becomes final and is not subject to further review.
Appeals Coordinator:
An Appeals Coordinator is located in the Office of Legal Affairs and is responsible for helping to coordinate the expeditious and fair resolution of student-athlete transfer-related appeals. The role of the Appeals Coordinator is to administer these procedures and facilitate the appeals process.
Oral Hearing:
The purpose of an oral presentation is to provide an opportunity for individuals who may communicate more effectively orally than in writing to supplement their written appeal. The Athletic Department will be afforded the opportunity to attend the hearing and orally address the Appeals Committee.
When an oral hearing has been requested by either the student-athlete or the Athletic Department, the following rules will apply:
- The student-athlete and the Athletic Department will be notified of the date, time, and place of the hearing;
- The appeal will be heard by members of the Appeals Committee. This is a three-person committee of University faculty and/or staff appointed by the President; and
- The student-athlete making the appeal shall appear first in the hearing. Other parties, including the Athletic Department representative, shall appear after the student-athlete. The Appeals Committee may invite witnesses identified by either party to participate by meeting with the Appeals Committee. If the witness prefers, they may respond in writing to the Appeals Committee’s request for information.
Hearing on the Record:
If no oral presentation is requested, the review will be based upon the written record. Members of the Appeals Committee will hear the appeal. The Appeals Committee may request additional information from the parties and/or witnesses who may respond in writing.
Report of the Appeals Committee:
The Appeals Committee will determine whether or not the Athletic Department abused its discretion in denying the student-athlete’s written request, either through a hearing on the record or in-person. The Appeals Committee shall determine the findings by a majority vote and will make a written recommendation to the President.
Decision of the President:
The President will promptly render a final decision in writing. If the President does not provide a final decision in writing to the student-athlete within 15 business days of receipt of the student-athlete’s written appeal, the appeal is deemed granted.
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